Thursday, December 4, 2014

The first step

A lot of people have shame. It's the reason we wear social masks. It's the culprit behind our constant thirst for approval and validation. Shame is the reason we give up too easy or try too hard. We react to shame by making ourselves too important or being a doormat. We shame others or we tiptoe around people's feelings instead of directly communicating with them.
The way out of shame is to heal it. The way we begin our healing process is to first acknowledge we have shame...admitting it to ourselves and someone we trust. That in itself, is a huge hurtle because admitting shame will feel shameful. But we have to push through it. It's the first step. One that takes courage. When we share our shame, we may feel a mixture of things...relief, fear, embarrassment...That's normal.
We can prolong looking at it. We can deny we have it. We can run. But understand that it bleeds into everything we do, how we feel about ourselves, and our relationships with others.